Coach: Mr. Brian McDonald - Roaming from upstate New York, I come to the Robo Raiders with 5 years of teaching middle school Technology Education. I currently am teaching Engineering and Design to 10-12th grade at Scarsdale High School. I joined the Robo Raiders with experience using VEX robotics, C++ programming, and a drive to provide the team with whatever support they need to be successful!

Coach: Dr. Michael Kumaresan - One of my favorite things to do is to hang out with members of the Robo Raiders team after school. It's great to work with a lot of my students in a context outside of the classroom. My background is in mathematics, physics and electronics and I'm growing in my knowledge of robotics by providing some support to the club.

Captain: Parth Rana - I am a senior and this is my fourth year in the club. I worked in both engineering and programming over the last couple of years. I have really enjoyed getting to know everyone in the club and look forward to seeing where the club goes in the coming years!

Assistant Captain: Thomas Xin - I'm the Assistant Captain, and I enjoy both learning from and teaching others in the team every day.

Engineering Director: Nick Apessos - I am an engineering director this year, and I am super excited to teach others about CAD and building.

Engineering Director: Andrew Greene - I'm a junior and this is my third year in the Robotics Club, a great place where I get to combine my love of robotics with a great team of people.

Programming Director: Stephen Cai - Hi, I’m Stephen and as of 2023, I am a junior. I first got hooked onto robotics when I tried the First Lego League competition with a team of friends. I have a passion in music, programming, and trying new things, and I’m excited to work as a programmer in the robotics club!

Programming Director: Nathan Tao - I enjoy coding and making the robot do cool robot things

Outreach Director: Harry Horvath - I am a junior, and this is my third year on the team. I work in the outreach department. I deeply enjoy being on the team and working with its members.

Armita Ahmed - I'm a sophomore, and I work in the programming department. This is my first time dealing with robots, and I am excited to learn more!

Grace Chiu - Hello! I’m a freshman who does cad. I love how everyday we either do nothing or accomplish 10% of our objectives.

Serra Demir - I joined the robotics club as a sophomore after a year of not knowing what to do. I attended an engineering camp and learned Python over the summer. I want to continue developing an interest in STEM by joining the robotics club. 

Graham Fielding - I enjoy all aspects of designing and building the robot. I love all aspects of the engineering department and generally everything about the club.

Kevin Han - I'm in the engineering group and I love working with people and teaching them CAD.

Aaron He - I am a sophomore that is part of the programming department. Robotics is a way for me to express my love for programming and the design process.

Wentao He - I'm Wentao and this is my first year in the club. I'm in the programming department. I have been trying to learn some coding and this club really taught me a lot of stuff.

Ada Langford - Hi, I'm in my second year of this club as a sophomore, and I'm thrilled to contribute and learn, particularly in programming. As a freshman, robotics club members were very supportive, and I hope to spread this support to new members.

Kenneth Ren - I'm a junior, and this is my second year in the club. I work mostly in programming, so I joined. I already know many club members, and I look forward to working with them this year.

Om Sanan - I am a junior, and this is my third year in the club. I mainly focus on programming. I have taken an interest in robotics ever since I was young and always enjoy collaborating and working as a team, especially when formulating strategies and programming solutions. I look forward to learning, growing, and having fun with the team.